What The Jurassic Park Movies Can Teach Us About The Internet And Information Security
Believe it or not, the Jurassic Park movies contain a few universal truths, and they can absolutely be applied to managed IT services. Why? Because they’re relevant, and, more importantly, because it’s fun. Without further ado, here are a few things the films teach us about managed IT services:
Security Should Always Be Your Top Concern
It happened in Jurassic Park, and it keeps happening in all of the subsequent films, including executive producer Steven Spielberg’s most recent installment, Jurassic World: For whatever reason, the security just isn’t good enough, and at least some dinosaurs break free. Although the specifics vary, the general idea is always the same. The park owners are so focused on the bells and whistles (i.e., the shiny new dinosaurs) that they neglect security. Don’t make the same mistake when it comes to creative Web design, mobile Web design, and search engine optimization — aka SEO for small businesses. Yes, quality content is important (blogs spike index pages by 434% and content may increase revenue by up to 40%). Compelling Web design packages can do wonders for you business. …But all of that won’t matter, in the end, if your webpages are extremely vulnerable to hackers and security threats.

If It Doesn’t Work The First Three Or Four Times, It’s Time To Try Something New
The weirdest thing about the Jurassic Park films may be that every single time, resurrecting the park or some version thereof goes very badly — and yet, they continue to do it. It seems kind of silly to the average viewer after a while, and that’s exactly how the experts and managed IT services are going to look at you if you are still taking shortcuts and using outdated Internet security and marketing practices after they have failed to produce results time and time again. While conventional wisdom tells us, “If it’s not broke don’t fix it,” the opposite is also true. In other words, if it is broken, don’t expect new results from doing the same old thing.
Eighty-five percent of businesses plan to devote more time to security and IT. That’s a very good thing, and theJurassic Park films prove it. Neglecting security in favor of frills and stubbornly standing by inefficient practices time and time again just doesn’t work.