Zombie Apps May Ruin Your Company
It is the digital age. For nearly all companies, that means letting employees work remotely from time to time and, more significantly, to take part in a bring your own device (BYOD) model. While BYOD models can encourage productivity and creativity, they can also take a toll on any company’s IT services — particularly if they are unprepared to take on the challenges that go along with employees using personal smartphones, laptops, and tablet PCs. Here are a few things to look out for:
Zombie Apps
This isn’t nearly as much fun as it sounds; it has absolutely nothing to do with games that take place in post-Apocalyptic world, and everything to do with outdated apps on employees’ phones and iPads. Often, zombie apps are “removed from the app stores because they are insecure or have malware in them,” according to CSOonline.com. It is also possible for hijackers to manipulate zombie apps’ update functionality to install malware. IT professional services can help businesses identify possible security threats on desktop PCs and, when implemented most efficiently, any electronics that are part of a company-wide BYOD program. IT managed services providers take into account all company Internet use, whether that takes place in-house, at a local Starbucks, or at a hotel or conference states away.

Do You Know Where To Find The Biggest Threat?
InfoWorld explains a troubling fact: “70% of security incidents that incur actual losses are inside jobs, making the insider threat arguably the most critical one facing the enterprise.” For that reason, it is critical for IT professional services to continually monitor company systems — as most threats to mobile Web design, small business Web design, and small businesses in general come from within. The IT sector earns $363 billion per year. Companies can make certain that goes to good and effective use by implementing measures to prevent internal data loss and security threats.
There are 1,851,028 U.S. men and women working in IT — and 85% of businesses say they plan to increase their IT budget within the next year. Keep company data safe by taking BYOD models and internal security threats seriously and protecting against these threats whenever and wherever possible.